The teams did not formulate any set approach to processing File A
personnel at the beginning of the task.

the procedures identified below.

They have, however, generally used

These procedures, which have evolved over

time, have been followed not only for individuals who have called DNA but for
all personnel on the data base, including VA cases:

Collect information
~-Request specified data from each caller on the DNA toll-free lines
--Archive records from over 100 repositories
--Gather data from individuals knowledgeable about the atmospheric
nuclear weapons tests and personnel participation


Establish data base to:
--Identify participants in an orderly fashion
~-Incorporate relevant participation and dosimetry information from
medical records, REECo files, Lexington Bluegrass Signal Depot
records, as well as some 80 other sources


Provide missing information
--Review assembled data for gaps
--Reconstruct missing data by establishing a scientifically sound and
workable methodology
--Incorporate reconstructed information into the data base


Develop final response
--Determine participation and dosimetry information for each caller on
the toll-free lines
~--Send a letter providing participation and dosimetry information to
each caller.

The final File A letters are the conclusion of a lengthy procedure.


drafting and processing of these letters is a considerable effort in itself,
although not so demanding as the preceding research.


The Navy NTPR (NNTPR),

Select target paragraph3