While the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) has been the executive agent, the
Nuclear Test Personnel Review (NTPR) military service teams and a separate
team at DNA’s Field Command in Albuquerque, New Mexico, have been the
executors of the tasks assigned the agency beginning in 1978.

These five

teams have expended considerable time, personnel effort, and funds meeting
their responsibilities.

This chapter sketches their common challenges and

then traces the efforts and accomplishments of each team.

Each NTPR team is responsible for a different constituency and has

a distinctive history.

At the same time, the teams have shared a number of

They have all, for example, had certain problems with inadequate

documentation from the testing period, although some teams have had more
difficulties in this area than have the others.


These problems have posed

challenges to the teams in fulfilling their responsibilities, such as
responding to File A personnel, meaning those individuals who called in on the
toll-free DNA telephone lines or wrote to the agency concerning their
participation in the atmospheric nuclear weapons tests.


Documentation from the Testing Period.
Inadequate documentation has been a significant problem, even though many

of the source materials are detailed and useful.

The sources, written 20 to

40 years ago, are housed in private, public, and Government repositories
scattered across the Nation.

In addition, the extant Department of Defense

(DOD) records of the atmospheric test program do not emphasize personnel
participation and exposure data, as Vice Admiral Robert R. Monroe explained in
testimony given on 20 June 1979 before the Senate Committee on Veterans’
Affairs (1):
The reason that DOD records do not meet today’s needs in this specific
area derives from the views of medical science in the 1940s and 1950s
concerning the hazards of ionizing radiation. Both national and

international authorities at that time were more certain than they are


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