dosimetry for still other participants did not cover the entire period of

exposure; reconstructed doses will be required in these cases to supplement
the doses already recorded.

However, while the numbers in table 4 will be

adjusted with further research and analysis, the overall results will not
change appreciably--the preponderance of doses are expected to remain in the
level below 0.5 rem.

During Operations UPSHOT-KNOTHOLE (1953), TEAPOT (1955), and PLUMBBOB
(1957), all at the Nevada Test Site, about 10,000 military observers and
maneuver troops were exposed to neutron radiation while observing nuclear
tests from forward locations in the shot areas.

Of these, 44 were volunteers

positioned closer to ground zero than the other troops.


reconstruction methods described in chapter 7, neutron doses for the
volunteers were determined to be as high as 28 rem, while the highest neutron

dose received by regular troops was 1.5 rem for the 500 observers at Shot
TESLA, Operation TEAPOT.

Neutron doses to all other troops were calculated to

be less than 0.5 rem.


At some operations, the circumstances of radiation exposure were such
that some participants may have ingested or inhaled radioactive materials.
The internal dose from such exposures, determined through a screening
methodology in most cases, resulted in a 50-year bone dose commitment of less
than 0.15 rem for over 85 percent of the participants.


Select target paragraph3