The NTPR teams have accomplished most of their original goals.

As their

work is completed, remaining responsibilities will be consolidated at DNA
beginning in fiscal year 1987.

Doses to participants at the atmospheric nuclear tests have been

determined through several means.

Film badge dosimetry, when available,

provided a measure of the external gamma doses to persons wearing, or

represented by, film badges.

The primary source of recorded film badge dose

data is the file maintained by Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company,
which is the official master repository of dose records for nuclear weapons

Using contractor support, DNA is providing reconstructed doses that
reflect the entire period of exposure, as well as exposure to neutron

radiation or internal emitters, for those cases where the recorded dosimetry
did not represent the full circumstances of exposure.

These dose deter-

minations, described in chapter 7, are based on specific unit activities and
the actual radiological conditions.

Doses so determined have correlated well

with film badge readings when the circumstances of exposure are generally

Findings to date indicate that most external gamma doses to personnel at
the tests were quite low--averaging about a half a rem.

Many participants

received no dose at all, and less than one percent exceeded 5 rem, the annual
whole body dose limit recommended by the National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurements.

Table 4, given at the end of this section,

presents data provided by the NTPR teams that show the breakdown of all
external gamma doses, both recorded and reconstructed.
The dose totals given in table 4 do not precisely match the estimated
numbers of participants for the specific test series given in chapter 4,
except for ARGUS, or the estimated total number of DOD participants in the
atmospheric nuclear tests.

In some cases, multiple badging of individuals led

to more doses than participants; in other cases, participants had no film
badge doses and reconstructed doses are pending.


Moreover, the film badge

Select target paragraph3