DNA has also conducted three major mailings to all veterans of the
nuclear tests and the Hiroshima/Nagasaki occupation for whom it had addresses

In June 1983, DNA and the Navy mailed copies of an NTPR Fact Sheet and
VA Circular 10-83-61 to about 40,000 veterans. VA Circular 10-83-61
authorized treatment of test participant veterans for any ailments
except those that clearly are not radiogenic in origin.


In July 1983, DOD mailed copies of the 1983 NAS study "Multiple
Myeloma among Hiroshima/Nagasaki Veterans," discussed in chapter 8, to

the approximately 1,000 Hiroshima/Nagasaki veterans who had called



In June 1985, DNA mailed to about 45,000 veterans a packet of
information containing the following:

Results of the CDC study "Mortality and Cancer Frequency among
Military Nuclear Test (SMOKY) Participants, 1957 through 1970,"
published in the Journal of the American Medical Association during
1983 (see chapter 8).


Results of the 1985 NAS mortality study, entitled Studies of


Results of the NTPR program


Information on free medical benefits available through VA


Request for comments on the proposed rules for responding to

Participants in Nuclear Tests (see chapter 8).

VA/NTPR inquiries (see chapter 3).

As the official DOD agent for the NIPR program, DNA has responded to
requests for information from Congress, medical and scientific communities,
veterans groups, lawyers, and citizens with special interests in NTPR.

It has

sent approximately 1,000 letters to the offices of U.S. Senators and Representatives, Governors, and the White House, all of which had requested information on the program (13).

In addition, DNA representatives have testified

at Congressional hearings from the very start of NTPR.

The Director of DNA,

along with other agency and DOD personnel, made statements at the hearings
identified in table 3 (18).

DNA has also responded to requests for information from the media.


has provided data on NTPR to both national and local television programs and
publications, including "60 Minutes," "20/20," "Good Morning, Washington,"
National Geographic, People magazine, and the Washington Post.


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