Lieutenant General Richard K. Saxer, U.S. Air Force, August 1983 to June 1985;
and Lieutenant General John L. Pickitt, U.S. Air Force, June 1985 to present.

The NTPR program has been pursued on a high-priority basis, with adequate

personnel support and funding.

Table 1 shows NIPR Government and contractor

person years from 1978 to 1986.

Table 2 itemizes DNA and DOD annual NTPR

funding for the same period (12; 13).

This section presents the results

achieved from these expenditures.
By 1 May 1986, the NIPR teams had identified by name approximately

90 percent of the estimated 200,000 DOD test participants and had recovered
the dose information presented in table 4 (13).

The effort is nearing

completion on the first task, which is development of a roster of DOD participants in the nuclear tests.

The roster will list participants and their

radiation doses for each series.

The personnel-oriented history of the atmospheric test program, the
second task, has been completed.

This 9,029-page history comprises 41

The reports, organized by series and shot, identify the partic-

ipating organizations and their involvements, the radiological safety
precautions taken, and the recorded radiation dose levels present during the

The reports have been distributed to over 700 locations, including

many public and college libraries and all VA regional centers throughout the
U.S. and overseas.

The distribution list is given at the back of each volume

and is available upon request from DNA.
Third, by 1 May 1986, DNA had declassified over 1,100 publications
containing information pertinent to the personnel aspects of the atmospheric
nuclear tests (13).

These documents are catalogued for easy reference and

placed for ready availability at the National Technical Information Service in
Springfield, Virginia, as explained in Appendix D.1.

DNA has also

declassified hundreds of relatively brief documents, such as memoranda and
letters, and placed all of them at the Coordination and Information Center
(CIC) in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Appendix D.2 identifies CIC holdings and



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