During March and April 1977, against the backdrop of increasing media
attention, representatives from CDC, AFFRI, and the Office of the Surgeon
General, U.S. Army, discussed the research effort proposed by Dr. Caldwell and
the need for a mechanism to address relevant issues and process inquiries.

With the support of the DNA Director, the Surgeon General of the Army
appointed an ad hoc committee to coordinate a detailed review of troop participation in the atmospheric nuclear test program.

Headed by Dr. Stromberg, the

committee included representatives from various Army organizations, such as

the Office of the Surgeon General, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for
Operations and Plans, and Office of the Chief of Public Affairs.


committee convened on 6 May 1977 to formulate its goals and agenda (1).
On 13 May 1977, an AFRRI representative met with Dr. Caldwell at CDC in
Atlanta to discuss the information CDC had and needed and to assess progress
on the work undertaken.

In reviewing his efforts, Dr. Caldwell noted that he

had identified three confirmed cases of leukemia among the personnel who had

written to CDC and indicated their participation in Shot SMOKY.

This number

was of interest to CDC because it was higher than expected for a comparable

Dr. Caldwell had accordingly received CDC approval to conduct an

epidemiological study of the entire SMOKY population.

He required, however, a

list of SMOKY participants complete with radiation exposure histories from

Upon conclusion of the meeting, the AFRRI representative recommended

that DOD provide the requested roster and data (1).
It soon became clear that the requisite data were incomplete and
scattered in repositories across the country.

To discuss data needs, as well

as other concerns, a meeting of the ad hoc committee was scheduled for June
1977 at the DOE Nevada Operations Office (NVOO) in Las Vegas.

NVOO was the

center for testing activities at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) and a central
archives for DOE information on the atmospheric test program (1).
Convened on 3 June 1977, the meeting involved 24 participants representing the Department of the Army, Department of Navy, DNA, DOE, Los Alamos
National Laboratory (LANL), and Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company
(REECo), a DOE contractor at the NTS.

The discussion focused on the avail-

ability of information, particularly from the REECo records indicating

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