Operation Plan, Continental Atomic Tests, Spring 1953 «- 18 December 1952

5) Logistic support aircraft for cargo transportation between
Kirtland Air Force Base and the Nevada Proving Grounds. .



Courier aircraft for carrying radioactive samples from the
Nevada Proving Grounds to Berkeley, LASL, and certoin eastern

Military Automotiva Equipment
In addition to the military vehicles being supplied hy the
Directorate, Weapons Effects Tests, AFSWP, for the military effects
programs and-other military units in the Test Director's organization, there will be requested approximately thirty military
vehicles of the jeep and four-xheel drive class. This latter
group is for use bv the Civil Effects and Weapon Devalopment
technical test groupse


Military Personnel
Other military personnel will be requested to assist in various

_ duties involved in both the support units and technical projects

under the Test Director. Theso personnel requirements are mt as
yet firm and detailed lists will be subsitted through the Office
of Test Operations, SFOO, when the exact requirements are known.

Rad-Safe Unit
The Rad-Safe Operations Unit shown as one of the support units in
Enclosure "A" will consist mostly of military persomsl under Lt. Col. Te De Collison. Col. Co S. Maupin, a madical officer,
has basen designated thea fad-Safe Staff Officer. The off-site
radesafe operations involving air-sampling operetions will probably

be manned with approximately 30 USPHS personnel, 15 for the first
five shots and 15 for the second five shots of the series.


Civil Aeronautics Administration
‘AS in past operations at ths Nevada Proving Grounis, the 6th Region

CAA (Los Angeles) has been notified of the proposed Spring 1953
tests, and this office has stated they will assign Mr. Herold

Greenleaf of the Salt Leke Offico to be their representative at

the Control Point during the tests.

This is the arrangement which

has been very satisfactory in previous operations,



Select target paragraph3