-~5 7.

At present, the people of Utirik have much fear of the radiation


Therefore the people of Utirik feel the need to have-someone
come out and do a study of Utirik for possible lingering radiation.

that came from the bomb:

According to measurements made by the Brookhaven team in
September 1976, the present radiation levels on Utirik are
almost at a level one could expect from natural background
radiation. However, a complete radiation survey of Utirik
is expected to take place early next year. As soon as the
results become available, we will be happy to discuss the
results of the survey with the people of Utirik.

The people of Utirik feel that their arrowroot has been damaged
as a result of the radiation. At present the arrowroot stalks
measure one foot, whereas before the radiation they measured
five feet.
With regard to your comment about the reduced size of arrowroot
plants on Utirik, we can state that the results of studies of

radiation effects on plants would not support radiation exposure

as being responsible for a reduction in size of arrowroot or
of any other plants growing on Utirik Atoll. Numerous studies
of radiation on Utirik show the levels have been too low to
result in such effects.

I deeply appreciate the support and advice which you have given to
ERDA's medical and other scientific and technical teams over the years.
I especially appreciate your candor in discussing our relationship
with the people and their perceptions of ERDA's programs.
If you or
the people of Utirik have further questions or desire clarification
of any of the matters discussed in this letter, please contact me.

James |. Liverman, Director

Division of Biomedical and
Environmental Research


R. Conard, BNL
R. Ray, NV
Ruth Van Cleve, Dept. of


JO 119)

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