-4Recently, during a review of the medical program, the
decision was made to expand the ERDA medical program as
may be required to assist the Trust Territory of the Pacific
Islands in providing general medical care to the people of
Rongelap and Utirik.

The people of Utirik should be able to choose their own doctor:
The people of Utirik do not like Dr. Knudsen because he does not

examine all of the Utirik people, and looks at the people of

Utirik as if they are merely animals in a scientific experiment;


and further, he does not provide a "sick call" for the people.
The people of Utirik do not like Dr. Conard because he lies to

the people, and has not helped the people to understand the problems

that they confront in regards to the radiation and its effects.

We believe Drs. Knudsen, Conard, and Kotrady to be very capable
and conscientious physicians who are deeply committed to the

health and welfare of the people of Utirik.

Moreover, as you

are aware, in its report to the Congress of Micronesia, the
Special Committee on Rongelap and Utirik commented favorably
upon their work. Of course we are both surprised and distressed
to learn of the dissatisfaction expressed by the people of
I feel that this must be due to misunderstanding and
I am most appreciative of your efforts to assist us in resolving
this problem.

Some years ago, the ERDA doctors discovered that a number of the
Utirik people had adult-onset diabetes, and said that 25% of the
people had the disease.
Why haven't the ERDA doctors given medicine to the people who
have the disease in Utirik (medicine: Diabinase)?
Dr. Konrad Kotrady had asked the Trust Territory Gov't. (in Majuro)
for the medicine (Diabinase), and they refused to give him any for
the people of Utirik, and therefore, the people with this disease

have not been properly treated.

Because of our overall] concern for their welfare, the medical
team has been studying diabetes in the Utirik people and other
Marshallese people. With regard to the use of Diabenase in
the treatment of this disease, Dr. James Field, an expert on
diabetes from the University of Pittsburgh who had been studying
diabetes in the Marshall Islands with the medical team, states
that "there would be inherent risks in the use of the drug
Diabenase in treating diabetes on Utirik or other outer islands
in the Marshalls since long-term medical supervision and laboratory
tests are necessary to insure its safe and effective use."


Select target paragraph3