the decay curves for these islands with that for Bikini, it can be seen that
within approximately ten to fifteen years only Eneman will] have an external
background higher than that of Bikini.

It is recommended that a re-survey

to verify this projection be conducted in about ten years in anticipation
of unrestricted use of the atoll.

In the meantime, the recommendation

of the Ad Hoc Committeethat occupancy of the above islands be limited
to visits of short duration should be followed.
The remaining islands of the atoll are lower in radiation levels than
Bikini and should not be restricted against continuous occupancy on
that basis.

This is particularly true of the Oboe (Aerokoj), Peter

(Aerokojlul), Roger (Bikdrin) complex where the lowest levels on the
atoll were found.

In addition, coconut samples from Aerokoj were lower

in 137Cs and 90Sr content than those from Bikini or Eneu.
development of these islands should be encouraged.


While the external

levels on Sugar (Lele) are as low as those on the other three islands,
the fact it is contiguous with Tare (Eneman) would make it advisable
to restrict the use of this island at the present time.

The causeway

joining Lele to Bikdrin makes a logical dividing line for indicating
this restriction.
Sampling of food items presently growing on the atoll indicated mean
concentrations of !37Cs and 99Sr which are essentially in agreement
with those obtained in 1967.

It should be pointed out that the planting

of new species of foods on the islands will require additional sampling
at the time of their reaching maturity in order to assess the potential
internal dose.
and McCraw


Internal dose estimates have been performed by Gustafson
utilizing the 1967 data and would appear to be valid for

the 1969 data as well.

As a result those computations have not been

repeated here,
The concentrations of 2°Sr would seen to be of greatest concern with

respect to internal dose.

In this regard the recommendations of the Ad

Hoc Committee for removal of top soil from the site of newly planted
pandanus and possibly breadfrujit trees, and the addition of a calcium

supplement to the diet should be most effective in reducing the dose

due to 2%Sr.


Select target paragraph3