contribution of the exposure in transit as compared to the exposure
during the placement period, wide fluctuations in net exposure as
measured by each of the three dosimeters at each location were noticed.
However, a regression analysis was performed comparing survey meter
readings to the mean TLD results at each location.

The linear

relationship between the two was described by:

TLD = -1.5 + 0.8 (survey meter)
The correlation coefficient was 0.94 and the average error associated
with the replicate TLD measurements was 35%.
Throughout this report survey meter readings as obtained in the field
have been used.

If it is assumed that the mean TLD value for each

station is a more accurate representation of the exposure rate, then

a further elenent of conservatism has been added to the external dose
estimates which are based on survey meter readings.
External radiation levels were measured on all islands of Bikini Atoll
as part of the cleanup program.

The highest exposure rate was measured

on Tare (Eneman) where a low lying algae covered area showed 800 uR/hr.
The maximum exposure rate encountered on the islands scheduled for
rehabitation, Bikini and Eneu, was 120 uR/hr in the interior of


Other islands exhibiting exposure rates greater than those

found on Bikini were:
Uncle (Enidrik) - 300 uR/hr
Victor (Lukoj) - 180 uR/hr
William (Jelete) - 150 uR/hr
Charlie (Nam) - 500 uR/hr
Fox (Lomilik) - 500 uR/hr

Soil samples taken on Bikini showed greater than 95% of the exposure
rate to be due to '?’Cs and thus the reduction in exposure rate can be

assumed to closely follow the decay of '?’Cs.

Soil samples from the

other islands showed varying amounts of ©°Co and ?°2"Rh in addition to

the 13’cs.

The reduction in exposure rate due to radioactive decay on

these islands should be much more rapid than for Bikini.

Comparing the

Select target paragraph3