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Figure 2-27.

Tower cabs were equipped with roll-up
shutter doors on three sides, which permitted
operation by remote control and closing by
means of a timing signal. Siding was removable
on the elevator side of the cab, and a
door led to the towers’ vertical ladders. The
LASL stations had a hand-operated bridge
crane with a 6-ton chain hoist; the UCRL
stations were equipped with bridge cranes using
electrically-driven hoists of two-ton capacity.
Shielding for Stations 6 and 7 consisted of
concrete and paraffin which was supported by
structural steel members; lead was used for
Station 3; none was required for Stations 1, 2
and 4.

As designed and built, the strength of the

towers was controlled by the capacity of the

‘web system. Further increases in strength could
therefore be obtained by reinforcing the web
system and enlarging guy footings to match
the tower leg strength. It was assumed in the
design that when the tower was subjected to
blast overpressure, all cab doors would be rolled
up and the removable siding taken off. In addition to having its doors and cab siding rolled
up the Station 7 tower was reinforced for heavy
Page 2-46

Base of Station 3

overpressure on one side by removing all elevator and ladder appendages and by leaving the

erection guys at the 100-foot level in place.

A pile foundation was mandatory for all

anchor blocks located on ocean reefs. To ensure

a stable footing, four 12-inch H-piles were driven
to a depth of 25 feet into the reef or coral base
locations. Forms were then built around the
piling and concrete placed.
During the process of tower erection, tem-

porary guy lines were used at the 100 and 200foot elevations. In order to keep the tower
plumb during erection of each 25-foot section,
a tensioning devise was fabricated with which
the tower guys were jacked to final position
using hydraulic jacks. The pressure in the jacks
was indicated by a calibrated pressure gage.
Permanent guy lines were tensioned to 10.4

Sites of tower erection varied from the
usual coral base and ocean reef locations to a

man-made island connected by a causeway for

Station 1, Sally. To construct the man-made
island, a total of 21,860 pounds of rail piles
was driven into the reef to an average depth

of 15 feet and a cutoff elevation of plus 10 feet.

Select target paragraph3