blished on the structural drawings made this
layout comparatively simple; consequently, nor-

mal survey methods were used. Practically all
the work was accomplished in waist deep water
on the ocean reef. This station alignment was
accepted by the using agency with no subsequent adjustment necessary. Barge Stations 10
thru 15 were all scheduled for positioning in the
lagoon off the Dog-George area. Stations 11, 13
and 14 occupied this area but Stations 10 and
12 were later moved to the Flora crater at
Gene, and Station 15 was located off the lagoon

reef between Charlie and Dog. The procedure

for positioning Stations 11, 13 and 14 consisted

of mooring the barge at the intersection of pre-

determined theodolite angles from two known
stations. One was a triangulation station located on the roof of Station 1528 and the other

Figure 2-9.

Early Construction Staking - Nan

a control point located on the reef west of
Station 1320 whose precise interrelation was
known. Marker buoys for anchor points were
set by an LCU, which was directed via radio

cation of the pipe supports in the field made it
possible to set supporting channels to grade

before being welded. On the final alignment,
adjustment screws had to be used on only one
of the 470 supports. One contributing factor to
this ease of alignment was the steel support,

which had insignificant deflection when loaded.

Station 1524 was a fan-shaped array of 38

pipes, 500 feet long. At the mirror house end,
the pipes were equally spaced 7’-9” apart and

were at the same elevation. At the Station 24

end they converged with no two pipes on the

same grade or line. A coordinate system esta-

by instrumentmen using theodolites. The Marine
Department then installed the anchors. After

the barge was moored, instrumentmen directed

the mooring line adjustments until the
point of the barge station was at the
position. Simultaneously, orientation
barge station was accomplished by

of the

sight points on the barge with Station 1320. The
other barge stations were located by the same
method: control points for Station 15 were lo-

cated on Man-MadeIslands 1 and 2, and those
for Stations 10 and 12 were established on the

perimeter of the Mike crater. After each barge

was positioned and oriented, stability checks
for position were made through simultaneous

observations by theodolite instrumentmen. Determination of roll and pitch, veer and yaw
was made aboard the barge station.


All off-atoll construction of weather stations





Kusaie, Tarawa, Wotho, Ujelang, Uterik, Rongelap and Rongerik was supported by the Sur-

vey Department. Location layout and time and
grades were furnished to the Construction Division. As-built plot plans were prepared that in-

cluded all available information on_ utilities,
sewers, and other underground installations.
At Lele Harbor, Kusaie, the harbor was

dragged to a depth of 9 to facilitate its use as

a seaplane landing area, and marker buoys were

Figure 2-10,

Windbreak Used in Chaining

Base Line Station 1310 to Station 24

Page 2-10

placed indicating shallows, obstructions, etc
These buoys were located by a survey from

shore. The buoy locations were subsequently re-

corded on a harbor chart.

Select target paragraph3