The general scope of the work performed
by Holmes & Narver in the development of
facilities at the Pacific Proving Ground for
REDWING hasalready been discussed. It is the

struction, respectively, and cover over-all problems and progress. Sections 3, 4 and 5 provide
the significant engineering-construction details

engineering - construction effort accomplished
under Job I of the contract. This record is pre-

those facilities other than scientific stations
constructed under the Expendable Test Facilities program; and Section 5, facilities provided
for the permanent base under P & E projects.

primary purpose of this chapter to record the

sented in five sections. Sections 1 and 2 present

a general discussion of Engineering and Con-

involved with each item of work undertaken;
Section 3 covers scientific stations; Section 4,

On 4 March 1955, the Contractor was
authorized to initiate the design of shot-island
camps and to proceed with the design of scientific

design and then submitted for estimates to the

camps were to be simple, and as standard details for most of the expendable buildings to be

The Engineering Order was used to disseminate criteria to the design staff; in addition

the responsibility for the design of these camps
was delegated to the Field Engineering Staff.
This permitted the efforts of the Home Office

the design de¥elopment and kept the Field
Engineering Force informed of the work in progress. It also authorized work by the field

stations in accordance with details furnished by
UCRL, LASL, and DOD. As the shot-island
used in shot-island camps had been prepared,

Engineering Staff to be directed toward the design of complex structures, close liaison with the

scientific agencies, and priority of design for
scientific structures. To assist in expediting de-

sign criteria for scientific facilities, the Contractor was authorized to station representatives at
both LASL and UCRL. This proved effective

Contractor’s Estimating Department and for

construction authorization to the AEC Contract
Representative in the H&N Home Office.

it served as a record of changes made during

forces which, because of its nature, was not
defined on the drawings. All Engineering Order
numbers were indicated on drawings for cross
reference with the criteria received from the

development at the scientific laboratories and

Users. The Engineering Order was issued on
receipt of initial criteria; then as additions and
alterations were made, the Order was revised
to reflect the changes along with the work already in process.

Coordination of the scientific station de-

As a result of the many changes incorporated into the test program, criteria for many of

in keeping the Contractor abreast of criteria

in clarifying early design problems.

signs for the various agencies involved, was

effected through J-6 of LASL. Criteria were
generally received through letters and sketches,
and in some cases preliminary information was

received by phone. The letters and sketches

were distributed to appropriate Project Engin-

eers, who prepared rough draft Engineering
Orders indicating the required design and drafting work. As soon as preliminary drawings were
available, they were transmitted directly to the
scientific agency involved for review and comments in order to effect agreement on the interpretation of the criteria furnished. This procedure was effective in establishing firm criteria

as early as possible. As the User’s comments

were received, drawings were developed to final

the Stations were not firmed as early as had
been anticipated. The lack of firm criteria in

late September 1955, was the cause of concern

as it appeared probable that completion dates
could not be met. All possible expediting action
was taken to speed design as soon as criteria
were firmed and to permit procurement process-

ing of long-delivery items. Where practical, preliminary drawings were released to permit the
start of construction, for example, preliminary

drawings were released for tower and guy anchor footings of the shot towers. By the end

of 1955, a major portion of the criteria had
been firmed and a number of drawings could
be released to the field forces. The design of

the facilities and systems for Irene and Yvonne
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