Contract AT-(29-2)-20 was entered into on
18 October 1951 in the form of a letter contract

and was negotiated into a formal architectengineer-construction-management contract on

18 February 1952. During the IVY and CASTLE Operations, the contract was modified
36 times and during the REDWING Operation
(1 July 1954 through 30 June 1956) was modified 21 times.
The contract as constituted for REDWING

was divided into three main jobs, as follows:

Job 1 -~ Engineering, Design, Inspection,
Construction and Procurement.
Job II - Operation and Management of

the Pacific Proving Ground.

Job III - Maintenance of the Pacific Proving Ground.

Effective 1 July 1954, Jobs IV and V Support and Roll-up, which had been specific jobs
under the contract for previous operations were
eliminated and the services performed under
these Jobs were included in Jobs I, IT and III
as applicable.
The various modifications to the contract

which were applicable to Operation REDWING
were as follows:

Modification 37, dated 30 August 1954, effective 30 August 1954, extended the contract

through 30 September 1954.

Modification 38, dated 23 September 1954,
effective 1 July 1954, restated the entire contract with new appendices A & B.

Modification 39, dated 1 November 1954,
effective 1 July 1954, included salary and wage

Modification 40, dated 20 December 1954,

effective 1 July 1954, revised Appendix “A”. It
firmed and enlarged the scope of work as well
as increased the obligated funds under the contract.

Modification 41, dated 6 January 1955, effective 1 January 1956, changed the fringe benefit policy date. It outlined a new policy by which
“Off Continent” employees were permitted Payroll Advances and outlined the methods of repayment. Additional Bonus payments were authorized for completed contracts.
Modification 42, dated and effective 10
March 1955, revised the ‘‘Nondiscriminating”
clause in the contract.

Modification 43, dated 1 March 1955, ef-

fective 6 December 1954, revised certain over-

seas wage schedules.

Modification 44, dated




March 1955, increased the amount of obligated
funds available for use under the contract.
Modification 45, dated 20 April 1955, and

effective 1 January 1955, changed the per cent

of fringe benefits permitted under the contract.

Modification 46, dated 13 June 1955 and
effective 1 July 1954, revised, restated and added to the scope of Appendix “A”. It also in-

creased the Obligated Funds.
Modification 47, dated




July 1955, amended the contract to change the
requirements for hiring certain personnel above

the minimumscale.

Modification 48, dated 8 December 1955,
effective 14 November 1955, restated and re-

placed the Wage Schedule II of Appendix “B”’.

Modification 49, dated and effective 29 December 1955, increased the obligated funds available for use under the contract.
Modification 50, dated 6 February 1956,

effective 1 July 1954, revised, restated, and added an additional scope of work to Appendix “A”.
It increased the obligated funds available for use
under the contract.

Modification 51, dated 20 March 1956, effective 6 February 1956, revised parts of Wage
Schedule II, Appendix “B” and changed certain methods handling and paying fringe beneits.

Modification 52, dated




April 1956, increased the obligated funds available for work under the contract.

Modification 53, dated 21 May 1956, effective 7 May 1956, revised portions of Wage Schedule II, Appendix “B.”
Modification 54, dated 18 June 1956, revised and replaced Wage Schedules I and II of
Appendix “B”. Changes in Wage Scedule I
were effective 2 April 1956 and in Wage Schedule II, 1 July 1956.
Modification 55 and 56, were not applica-

ble to the REDWING Operation.

Modification 57, being processed and to be
effective 1 July 1954, completely revises and
restates the scope of work covering the period
of 1 July 1954 through 30 June 1956.
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Select target paragraph3