On completion of the roll-up after CASTLE, all power plants at the Proving Ground
had been deactivated except the plant at Elmer.
This plant supplied all power demands for both

Elmer and Fred until 18 October 1955, at which
time increased power demands necessitated the
reactivation of the Fred power plant. Power

demands increased progressively at these two
sites and it became necessary to acquire two

600 KW portable units to augment the generating capacity. One of these units was installed
adjacent to Building 301 on Elmer and was
placed on the line on 5 March 1956. The other
unit was installed adjacent to Building 650 on

Fred and was placed in service on 21 March

1956. Because of the critical power situation on
Fred, three self-contained 150 KW units were

installed as stand-by generators for vital circuits
in case the shutdown of a main power plant

became necessary.






power requirements were met by using portable
generators until the existing power plants could
be activated or plants built. The existing plants
were located at sites Yvonne, Ursula, and Nan
in earth-covered, reinforced-concrete structures
that were partially subsurface and designed to
withstand anticipated blast pressures. The power

plants for Gene, Fox, and Tare were set up in
expendable structures that served to house both
power-generating and water distillation units.

Figure 4-17. Submarine Power Cable
Terminal - Elmer

The Ursula power plant was reactivated on

19 September 1955. This plant was used for

both camp andscientific requirements. To meet

power demands, it was necessary to install two
additional units of 150 KW, which increased
the plant capacity to 600 KW.
The Yvonneplant consisted of four 150 KW

units in Building 75, which could be connected

in parallel with two other 150 KW units lo-

cated in the vicinity of Station 1524. These

units combined provided 900 KW, which was
used for both camp andscientific purposes.
As a result of damage incurred during

CASTLE, the prime mover of unit No. 2 in the
NA 500 plant, Nan, had to be surveyed. The
remaining two units were overhauled and were

placed on the line on 9 March 1955. On 5 April,

a 135 KW unit was added to this plant. Power
demands increased and a 122 KW unit was removed from the Fred power plant and installed
in the Nan plant in August 1955. Three other
150 KW generating units were installed adjacent to the plant. Through switch gear, the
camp and scientific load could be carried by
one set of machines or, the loads could be di-

vided for close voltage regulation on scientific

Generating capacities at each campsite are

summarized below. At all other sites generators
for meeting scientific requirements were pro-

vided in numbers and capacities as shown in
Tables 4-9, 4-10 and 4-11.

Page 4-31

Select target paragraph3