central post office on Elmer, and finally through

Armyfacility, APO 437, was activated on Elmer,
and on 26 April 1956, another unit, APO 436,
was activated on Nan. The establishment of
these two facilities eliminated the need for processing through the Post Office on Fred. All
incoming mail addressed to APO 435 was picked
up by personnel of APO 437 at the MATS
terminal. All incoming mail for Bikini Atoll was
flown direct from the MATS terminal on Fred


with receipts and change money

keeping. To provide a more workable system,

negotiations were completed enabling Holmes &
Narver to act as a subagent for the American
Express Company. This permitted the establishment of a sales facility at each camp site
within H&N accounting facilities. Remittance
of the sales plus a portion of the sales commission were made weekly to the American Express Company by means of a check drawn on
the Revolving Fund Bank Account. The sale
of American Express Company money orders
was first initiated on 16 January 1956 and

to Nan where it was processed through APO

436, The establishment of APOs 436 and 437
provided complete postal facilities at both H&N
base camps. The H&N postal facilities functioned primarily as mail distribution centers.

Prior to the activation of APOs 436 and
437, the only available facility for the sale of
money orders was the Army Post Office (APO
187) located on Fred. All papers and money

served the need for a good workable system

until the activation of the Army Post Offices on
Elmer and Nan. Because the sale of postal
money orders was facilitated through these
Army Post Offices, the use of American Express
money orders was temporarily discontinued.

necessary for the execution of a money order

from an off-island camp had to be processed
at the camp post office, then through the H&N



traveling the reverse route. This procedure was
cumbersome and required a great deal of record





Figure 4-6.


Monte Carlo Room-Refreshment Bar - Elmer

Select target paragraph3