Figure 3-16.

Interior of WXLE - TV

When outlying camps were rolled-up and
switchboards removed, field telephones were installed in certain trunk lines, providing telephone service for last-minute preparations and
re-entry teams.

Voice radio networks were operated within
each atoll for transmission of unclassified traffic for marine and construction operations, and
aircraft dispatcher passenger control. The marine network provided control of all H&N

marine craft within each atoll, enabling dispatchers and craft operators to keep in touch
with each other. The rapid exchange of infor-

mation prevented unnecessary trips and per-

mitted rerouting, readying stevedore parties,
and disseminating urgent local weather condiPage 3-48


tions. The Construction operations network
provided a means of contact between field per
sonnel and offices. This provided the neede
communications at construction sites whe...
wire telephone service was unavailable, The air
dispatcher network was a direct point-to-poi~+
tadio contact between dispatchers for the ¢
change of information regarding passenger loa ing and flight schedules. No communication
with airborne craft was possible on this n>-twork. Aircraft commanders kept radio cont: t
with their own base station.
The H&N guards were assigned one base
station and one mobile unit at Elmer on_

frequency assigned to the Military Police. 7 is
provided military police radio benifits for HaN

Select target paragraph3