ey ment

Figure 1-3.



Lele Harbor - Kusaie

struction requirements similar to CASTLE, provided for a gradual build-up to a peak of approximately 1,970 men. This peak was to be
reached during February 1956 when the scien-

plished in accordance with a long range program

which was based on anticipated useful life of
the equipment. The replacement items and such

be at maximum activity. Mobilization proceeded

additions as were considered essential for REDWING were included in budget estimates. The
development of the scientific program, neces-

requirements expanded in scope and area, forecasts of manpower were increased accordingly.
The build-up in personnel is shown on Chart
1-3; the peak of H&N employment at Jobsite,

the sphere of operations, called for careful evaluation of additional equipment needs and necessitated exact planning for utilizing available

tific construction program was anticipated to

on this basis in the early stages. As construction








Because of a concentration of the work

load during the latter months of the construction phase of REDWING, shortages arose in
certain classifications of personnel and consider-

able overtime was necessary. Due to the long
processing period required for security clearances

and the short period of probable employment,

it was impracticable to recruit the additional

personnel required to eliminate the overtime.

Replacement of construction and other

equipment at the Proving Ground was accom-

sitating simultaneous construction of many
items within a limited time and the widening of

equipment. The need for certain additional items
became urgent; as funds were available, these

items were quickly acquired.

Budget estimates were prepared for use by

AEC offices in preparing a Financial Plan. The

budget estimates were so formulated as to agree
in all details with the Contractor’s Chart of Accounts. Cost estimates, prepared when few details were known, were based on cost estimates
of similar items during previous test periods.
A Mid-Year Review reflected changes in the
budget estimates and/or the Financial Plan.
Page 1-9

Select target paragraph3