To support the REDWING Operation adequately, numerous miscellaneous jobs were accomplished under the Expendable Test Facilities Program. Progress of these items was reported as shown in Chart No. 2-3 underthe fol-

lowing three categories: User’s Test Facilities;
Miscellaneous Test Construction Other Than
Scientific Stations; and Miscellaneous Expendable Construction-Including Reimbursable.
The “User’s Test Facilities’ construction
projects were accomplished on many islands of
Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls. These facilities were
required by scientific personnel for instrumentation and operational purposes. Included in
this catagory were the grading and stabilizing
of areas for parking of User‘s vans, the provision
of water, power, and other services to these

areas, the construction of numerous tents for

use in connection with User’s vans, the installation of security fencing and lighting for des-

ignated restricted areas, the construction of a
number of MP guard shacks, the construction

of an animal shelter and exercise building on
David, clearing and grading for additional roads,
the construction of helicopter mats near critical
stations, and other like items.

Illustrative of the extent and type of work
required under the category of “Miscellaneous
Test Construction Other Than Scientific Stations” are the following:
Establish Station 1612 mock-up at
trailer lot on Elmer, including grading, a
concrete pad, and a framed rain shed over

an instrument mount.

Construct a float 14’ long with 5’
beam of %” plywood decked and fitted
with a 3’x 3’ hatch.

Rehabilitate Janet airstrip and grade
150’ x 300’ along oneside of runway.
Construct LST landing ramp adjacent
to deep water pier, Elmer.
Provide pit latrines at Stations 5, 6,
7, 23 and 24.
Rehabilitate Building 341. Repair and
test air conditioning and public address


Construct 72 8-man tents, for tempo-

rary housing, Elmer.
Construct 15-tent slabs on Fred (tents

erected by military personnel).

Construct a 96-man decontamination
station, sites Elmer and Nan.




Station, IVY Station 202, CASTLE Station 1211, and GREENHOUSE Station

Page 2-196

Provide earth berms around Nan power
house (NA-500) and Station 70.
Install four poles and one power outlet for User-furnished Rhombic antenna.

Construct new Coca triangulation sta-

Support Eniwetok Marine Biological
Under the category “Miscellaneous Expendable Construction’”’ were numerous small jobs

of modifications to existing facilities, such as

replacements or additions of electrical fixtures
which normally could not be classified as maintenance. For the control of expenditures for
such work at Fred, an “Atcom Advance Fund”
was established, against which the Atoll Com-

mander could obligate funds for the betterment
of established facilities. Included under this
category in support of REDWING were the
following items:
VHF propagation tests to determine
the feasibility of VHF circuits for inter-

atoll communications.

Transfer of one generator from the
Fred to the Nan powerhouse. (Similar generator in Nan powerhouse damaged beyond
economical repair during CASTLE.)
Construction of decontamination barge

for use in case operations at Bikini were
shifted to bases afloat as in CASTLE.
Construction of helicopter pads at
sites Leroy, How, Uncle, Bruce and David.
(Helicopter landings not provided in temporary camp construction.)
Construction of approximately 75 additional (wooden) clothes lockers. (Shortage
of clothes lockers was due to increase in

participating personnel beyond that anticipated.)

Installation of navigation ranges for

small craft approaching Nan, Gene and
Yvonne. (Required to facilitate entry of
marine craft by night to meet needs of
scientific personnel.)

Under the category ‘Miscellaneous Expendable Construction-Reimbursable” were those
projects of a more or less permanent base char
acter accomplished by the Contractor for AEC
but funded by other agencies. Constructed
under this category were the following:
Weather stations at Tarawa, Kapingamar
ingi, Kusaie and Rongerik.
Modification to Building 15, Fred.
Annex to Rad-Safe, Building 221, Elmer.
Tie-down anchors andstatic grid, Fred.

Select target paragraph3