In planning the submarine cable system for
Operation REDWING, a complete survey of
existing cables was made early in the program.
Preliminary estimates of requirements were
made, which included replacing all damaged
and faulty cables and providing cable for additional circuits. Approximately one-half million
feet of cable and necessary splice boxes were
initially ordered for shipment to Jobsite. An
engineering study established that sixteen-pair
No. 19 plastic wire-armored submarine cable
had physical and electrical characteristics which
were generally adaptable to the requirements
of the Proving Ground.
For the cable pairs allocated to the interisland telephone system, medium loading was
required to provide minimum attenuation of
voice frequencies to a cutoff point of approximately three kilocycles. This was accomplished
by 88 millihenry loading coils, assembled in
cylinders which were located in splice boxes at
approximate 6000-foot intervals.

event required the installation of 16-pair No.
19 cable from Station 2300 to Station 2200,
and one 16-pair No. 19 cable from Station 2300
to Station 22, as submarine cable to be installed
in the lagoon. The total cable needed for these
two runs was 25,800 feet.

Original requirements for the Eniwetok
Atoll were estimated to be 359,600 feet, and
at Bikini 328,650 feet. As the Operation developed, additional quantities were required because several sections of submarine cable developed faults and had to be replaced. A total
of 449,000 lineal feet was installed at Eniwetok
Atoll and 365,000 feet at Bikini Atoll. This

cable was laid from specially-equipped M-boats.
Approximately six 6,000-foot reels could be
handied in one day, not including the splicing



As the signal and telephone requirements

were firmed by the Using Agencies, they were

consolidated and furnished to the Contractor in
the form of cable allocation charts.


The existing submarine cable terminal at
Yvonne was located in an area in which destruction was probable as a result of test events.
This terminal station was therefore replaced by
new Timing Station Seventy Seven, which was
located near the camp area and was considered
to be out of the possible destruction area of
the Yvonne events.



drawings and block diagrams, Figures 2-168
thru 2-171 were prepared, adapting the information for Jobsite installation.

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Figure 2-165. Submarine Cable Temporarily Anchored

In planning for cable installation at Bikini
Atoll, it was considered that the barge events
would require a major portion of new cable.
The barges were to be expended in succession
at approximately the same location off site
George. Two 16-pair No. 19 submarine cables
were required for signals and communication

for each barge. The land terminal point for

these cables was the submarine cable terminal

(Building No. 3.3) on George. A total of approx-

imately 225,000 feet of cable was allocated for

the barge installations.

Due to difficult trenching conditions, ero-

sion, and anticipated inundation from several

events, 6500 feet of 16-pair No. 19 telephone
cable, which under norma! circumstances would

be buried underground from the terminal building on George to the camp switchboard on Fox,
was supplied as a submarine cable and installed


in the lagoon. Similar conditions existing in the

Tare complex and the necessity of protecting
the island distribution network from the Zuni

Figure 2-167.

Laying Submarine Cable
Page 2-183

Select target paragraph3