At the close of Operation CASTLE, TG
7.1 transferred two high-frequency transmitters
and two receivers to TG 7.5. This equipment
was activated by the Contractor when the Nan
Camp was first established and provided two
HF circuits for phone and teletype communications between Nan and Elmer during the
build-up stage of REDWING. These circuits,
however, could not meet the demands ofa fullscale test operation. Therefore, in conjunction

with AEC communication personnel, a series of

path-proving tests were conducted over a period
of approximately one year, which determined
the feasibility of VHF transmission. For the
primary radio link between Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls, a multipule channel VHF system
was designed. This system is illustrated in Figure 2-164.

The Contractor drew up specifications for
three KW amplifiers and high gain antennas,

Figure 2-162.

which were purchased. The AN/TRC-24 multichannel radio equipment was obtained from
military sources on a loan basis. Sigtot with
Samson units were used to provide on-line
crypto operation of teletype messages, and
AFSAY 806 voice cyphony equipment was used
to provide security of the voice channels. These
devices were installed and later serviced by
military personnel because of security reasons.
Two antennas each were required at Elmer
and Nan—onefor transmitting and one for re-

ceiving. The antenna system consisted of four
dipoles fed in phase and mounted one-half wave

length from the vertex of a 60-degree corner
reflector. The corner reflectors at Elmer were
mounted on top of individual 130-foot steel
towers. The corner reflectors at Nan were
mounted between two members of type 2400
(X-braced) towers located at the 235’-9” and
the 264’-3” levels of the 300-foot tower at Station 70.

Equipment for VHF System
Page 2-179

Select target paragraph3