order to locate certain DOD scientific stations
at the proper distance from Station 18, the construction of three islands in the Dog-Charlie
reef was required. Two of these islands were
220'x 140’, one was 90’x 140’, and all three

were built to elevation 9.5 from approximate
reef elevation of 1.0. Bulkheads were formed of
60-pound rail piles which were backed by 3inch timbers. The area was then backfilled with
available reef coral and sand. The rail piles,
driven 8 feet into the coral on 5-foot centers,

projected approximately 9 feet above the reef.
These rails were interconnected on the outside
by two horizontal rails which acted as walers.
The walers were connected to the piles by Ubolts, while the horizontal 3-inch timbers were

fastened to the inside of the rails by J-bolts.
Opposite bulkheads were connected by 1-\inch tie rods for distribution of the load. The
bulkheads which faced the shot site, being subjected to reflected pressures, had the tops
curved back to prevent disturbance of the shock
wave. This was accomplished by splicing curved
6-inch steel channels to the rails at a point
about four feet from the top of the rails, and

by fastening the timbers to the curved channels.

Figure 2-149.

Construction of an island and two causeways at Yvonne was required in order to
properly locate Stations 24 and 1819 in relation
to other stations, to reduce the possibility of
fall-out and damage to other structures from
the LaCrosse event (Station 24), and to properly locate the Station 1524 pipeline. As finally
built, the island was 110’ x 100’ with a T-shaped
addition approximately 90 feet on one side, 40
feet on the other, and 40 feet wide. This island

was connected to Yvonne by a causeway 470’
long and 24’ wide. The causeway that was provided for the Station 1524 pipe array was 1500’
long and 40’ wide. The islands and causeways
were built to a plus 9.0-foot elevation. The design was standard for this type of work as discussed in this report under the sub-heading of
Man-Made Islands I, II, and III. Rails at this
site were driven into T-shaped holes which were
drilled into the coral because of its hardness.
A change in requirements after construction
had started necessitated removing and redriving
a numberof piles in order to increase the size
of the island.

Man-Made Island No. 1-10% Complete
Page 2-171

Select target paragraph3