The buildings and other facilities provided
at each of the above camps are listed in camp
site plans which are shown as follows: Figure


buildings. Approval was later received in the
field to construct additional 8-man tents on an
“as needed” basis; thirteen tents were added at
Yvonne and eight at Fox.

for trusses, wall panels, water towers, and like
items. The camps at Yvonne, Ursula, and Fox
were constructed on former camp sites and,

The work at Gene started on 9 July but
was suspended on 3 August until the need for
this camp could be more clearly defined. By 15
August, the need for the camp became definite
and work was again undertaken. On 4 April

2-144, Yvonne;

Figure 2-145, Ursula;

2-147, Fox; Figure 2-148, Tare; and Figure
2-146, Gene. Prefabrication at the established
camps on Nan and Elmer was used extensively

where practicable, existing concrete slabs and
utility pipelines were utilized. At Ursula, exist-

ing buildings and tent frames were repaired and
reused. The camps, as designed and built, were
adequate except for housing facilities at Fox
and Yvonne. At these two sites, housing facili-

ties were overcrowded and it became necessary
to provide berths in the recreation and other

plied from Janet. On 10 April the airstrip was

placed in operation. The entire Gene camp area

was often flooded at high tide, therefore a 4foot earth berm was built along the entire length
of the north (ocean) side.

Figure 2-143.

Typical Shot-Island Mess Hall








~~ <2


Interior Mess Hall - Nan

7.0 Za

Figure 2-141.

1956, the construction of an airstrip on this

site was authorized. By 8 April 1956, the base
course for the airstrip had been graded, rolled,
and compacted; base course aggregate was sup-

Figure 2-142.

Page 2-160

Typical Power and Water Plant - Shot-Island Camp

Select target paragraph3