
Figure 2-96.

1831.01 and 1831.02
Light Rafts
Dog (in Lagoon)
11 and 13

The stations were 21’ x 44’ pontoon barges

made up of 21 Navy cubes welded together

with 3” x 3” x 14” L-brackets. Mounted on the
deck was a two-foot high 19 x 29’ platform consisting of a wooden floor supported on steel-

framed grid. A standard 14’ square tent was
erected on this platform. Around the platform
extended a continuous plywood railing from the
barge deck to 24% feet above the platform. The
railing was solid. The tent contained a 6’ x 10
roll-up steel door on one end, mounted on a steel
frame 11’ high by 18’ long located on the outside of the tent end wall. Two 12”-diameter
searchlights were mounted on the deck so as to
be aligned on Station 1830.

Station 1830
One station was located between a point
300 to 2,000 yards past Barge 13 and on line
extending from the center camera port of Station 1830, GEORGE,through a point 50 to 100
yards from the barge location toward Station
1320, DOG. The other raft was located 300 to
2,000 yards past Barge 11 and ontheline extending from Station 1830, GEORGE, but through

a point 100 to 200 yards from the barge location toward Station 1320, DOG. The movement
of the raft station at center was limited within
a horizontal area having a 15-foot radius for the
station associated with Barge 13 and 25-foot
radius for the station with Barge 11. The pitch
and yaw were limited so that the base of a 20degree right circular cone projecting from the
raft would cover the center part of Station 1830,

GEORGE. To accomplish this the barges were
equipped with mooring winches at each corner
supported on a diagonal frame. From each winch
44” mooring cable was led to buoystied to concrete anchorblocks, which were in turn attached
to 500-pound anchors with 180 feet of chain.
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Select target paragraph3