section furnished by the Users which permitted
the ray of light to be split by means of mirrors
into 1812 and then continue to 1813. The “Y”
section was mounted on two 6’ x 18’ x 12’-high
steel frames set on concrete bases.

Station 1815 consisted of three steel towers
approximately 7’ x 8’x 25’ high using standard
6”-pipe for its legs, which were enclosed with
weatherproof plywood houses having plexiglass
windows. The User-furnished mirrors were
mounted on the steel towers.
Station 1816 consisted of two L-shaped 4’

thick reinforced concrete blast walls set on a 4’

thick reinforced

crete slab in which the

Station 1819 pipe abfied.

Located at intervals along the pipelines
were the pumping stations (Station 1818.01
through 1818.09, 1817.02 and 1841) containing
User-furnished pumps for producing the re-

quired vacuum. The pumps were mounted on
16’ x 21’ x 4”-thick concrete slabs with a ply-

wood house for cover.



Figure 2-95.

Project 18 pipelines were essentially a long
laboratory quality vacuum chamber design
to maintain close alignment and be gas tight.
Alignment was assured by roller supports that
were adjustable in both horizontal and vertical
directions. Gas tightness resulted from incorporating approximate 700’ lengths of welded
spool, which had bolted flange joints with OTing gaskets to all metal bellows expansion
joints. Fixed anchors midway between the expansion joints maintained the position of each
pipe spool. Pump stations and junction points
along each line also had expansion joints on
both sides of each station and the pipe at these
same locations was rigidly anchored. The pipeline supports consisted of welded steel “A”
frames spaced 20 feet on center and were constructed of 6-inch pipe columns and angle
bracing. The supports were braced one to the
other and supported on 2’ x 2’ x 6’ isolated concrete footings. Support heights varied from
approximately 3 to 13 feet to allow for grade
variation. All of these stations were located
and oriented by the Users, and from their infor-


Stations 1815 Mirror Towers
Page 2-105

Select target paragraph3