

and then to a mirror Station 1815 where the
light beam was reflected and picked up at -rermenumumserrr>.
Station 1830. Station 1819 was 12-inch-dia- =="
meter pipe which was joined to Station 1811 Qaaam
pipeline at the working point of Station 24 and
then extended approximately 150 feet beyond ©
Station 24 to a concrete baffle wall designated
Station 1816.
An adjustable baffle with a 1-inch-diameter
hole in the center was inside of the Station *
1811 pipeline and was located at a point 600
feet from Station 24. Additional baffles at ap™proximate 40-foot centers beginning at Station ‘ws.
24 were inside the Stations 1811, 1812 and
1813 pipelines with 1314 -inch-diameter openings
in the baffles for Stations 1811 and 1812 and
21%%-inch-diameter openings in Station 1813.
Station 1814, the junction of the 1812 and
1813 pipelines, consisted of a Y-shaped pipe

Figure 2-91.

Figure 2-92. Prefabricating Footings
for Stations 1811 and 1812

Station 1813 - 40% Complete
Page 2-103

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