In order to provide stability, the bents
were braced in pairs and to one another and
rested on spread footings which extended down
to and were doweled into the coral to prevent
settlement and lateral movement.
In order to establish and maintain the
necessary pipe alignment, adjustable roller and
fixed supports provided vertical and horizontal
adjustments with the mean position set for the
established level of each support. Expansion and

contraction of the pipes and the manifold in
the mirror house, due to temperature and pressure changes, were compensated for by using
all metal expansion joints.

Figure 2-86. Station 1524 Under Construction

Figure 2-87.
Page 2-98

The vacuum pipes led to the 24” manifold
in the mirror house from which 16” lines led
to six User-furnished vacuum pumps and one
roughing pump. The pumps were capable of
maintaining a 0.1 micron vacuum. Cooling water

Station 1524 - First Row of Steel Pipe Supports Erected

Select target paragraph3