existing and required only the addition of a new
cab plus power and timing signals. The Station
1513 tower was removed from Janet and erected
on the existing GREENHOUSEstation footings
at Wilma.


Tower for Cloud and

Fireball Photography
Mack (Eniwetok Lagoon)

PARTICIPATION: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 19, 23 and

CONSTRUCTION: 3-17-56/6-30-56
Station 1514, located on coral head Mack

in Eniwetok Lagoon, was a 75-foot steel tower
erected on an existing platform supported by

steel piling. To strengthen the platform of this
station, new crisscross bracing was_ installed below the water line to a depth of 32 feet.
A 14’x 14’ enclosed cab for housing User-furnished cameras was located at the top of the
tower. Roll-up metal shutters were on three

sides of the cab and a wall containing two

hinged windows and a door was on the remaining side. These shutters, windows, and door
were arranged to remain open until the shock

wave had passed and then to close automatically
by a timing signal. The floor of the cab extended 30 inches on the north and east sides to permit working space for adjusting camera lenses.

The roof of the cab was capable of supporting
a 1,000-pound load distributed over 4 square

An elevator with a capacity of 2,000 pounds
and a 4’x 5’ platform was provided which operated by a hoist drum with 34”-diameter wire
rope. A steel ladder was also installed for access.
Racks of aluminum angles and of sufficient
strength to carry an 8,000-pound load distri-

buted over 20 square feet were provided for

mounting cameras within the tower cab.

Within the base of the tower, living quar-

ters of wood frame construction were provided

Figure 2-78.

with sufficient space for four bunks, four lockers and a hot plate, refrigerator, sink and table.

Station 1516

Power requirements for Station 1513 and
1515 were 10 KW, 120/208 volt, single-phase.

For Station 1516, 8 KW, 120/208-volt, 3-phase

power was provided. Timing signals for Station
1513 consisted of two each of the following:
minus 15 minutes, minus 15 seconds, minus 5
seconds, an interlock and a monitor pair plus
two spares. Stations 1515 and 1516 were identical except only one pair each were required.

A total of 8 cubic yards of concrete was
poured for Station 1513, 85 cubic yards for
Station 1515, and 7-1/2 cubic yards for Station
Page 2-92

A field-type latrine and a 500-gallon stainless
steel tank for fresh water were also provided.
Alongside of the tower platform was a generator
platform 27’ x 13’ which also had to be braced. A
550-gallon fuel oil tank of 5/16” boiler plate
was supported by two steel saddles. Mooring
provisions were provided so that boats could

be tied to either platform.

A 25 KW generator provided for an 8 KW
instrument load and the utility requirements.
Ten pair of timing signal wires were installed
to provide for minus 15 minutes, minus 15

seconds, and minus 5 seconds signals. A 16-pair
submarine cable was terminated in a signal
cabinet at the base of the tower.

Select target paragraph3