Figure 2-74.

Station 1320 - 97% Complete

with a sighting tube assembly 30’ x 26’ longx
13’ high. A similar structure was previously located here but was damaged and required re-

placement. The existing piles were utilized and
eleven new steel piles were added. Within the
structure were four 12” pipes used as sighting
tubes. These were horizontal and each terminated in a steel blast door having a domed cover

plate. Because of the high intensity of anticipated pressure and waves, the forward face of the
structure was sloped in an attempt to resist

uplift of the leading edge. Additional precaution

was taken by driving 12’-long sheet piling on

the forward areas using welded dowels to tie

into the concrete.

The entire station was covered with earth
fill to a height of 14’ above the new building addition. As a precaution against wave action,

which incidently was anticipated as being of
a high magnitude, the leading face of the fill
was sloped and covered with sand-cement sandbags which were then wetted down to form a
bonded mass.

Powerto station 1320 was provided by two
100 KW, 120/208 volt, 3-phase, diesel-driven
units equipped with an automatic transfer
switch for supply by a normal or stand-by gen-

erator. The various generator and motor control

circuits were run through conduits to the control and distribution panels. The engine control
panel was connected to an EG&G relay which
was extended to the timing terminal cabinet
for engine shutdown. A User-furnished Bogue
Set in conjunction with a Contractor-furnished

battery rack provided power for the station at
Page 2-88

Signal circuits were installed in an existing

3-inch conduit to the timing terminal cabinets

in the generator and utility rooms, respectively.
Telephone communication to this station was
provided by circuits from timing Station 75.01
through existing conduit stub-out and termi-

nated in two phone jacks in the utility room.

A total of three timing, two phone, and one

monitor circuits was utilized.

To provide ventilation in the new generator room, a 9,060 cfm axivane fan was installed
at ceiling, with a 30-inch square opening through
the north wall for the air inlet. Exhaust air was
removed through a 42-inch square opening in
the ceiling leading to the concrete duct on the

roof. This duct also contained the diesel exhaust pipes and a 10-inch air exhaust from the
utility room. Blast doors were installed at each
end of the duct.
Two salt water circulating pumps, 170 gpm
self-priming horizontal centrifugal type, were
used to supply cooling water for the refrigerant
condensers of the air conditioning equipment

and the heat exchangers of the diesel engines
of the generator sets. These pumps obtained
water from a 30-foot deep well near the station.
A 2,200-gallon fuel tank of 3¢-inch steel plate
was buried in concrete adjacent to the station,
a \%-ton hoist on a monorail was provided in
the detector room and a 2-ton chain hoist, 10foot lift on a 12-inch I-beam, was located at
the entrance of the station.
A total of 1,146 cubic yards of concrete
was poured, with an average 28-day strength of
4,300 psi.

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