Twelve trailers and 8 generators furnished
and installed by the Users were known as Station 550.01. The trailers were grouped in three,
at four locations within a 50’x 320’ cleared and
stabilized area. A 16’x 16’ storage tent and

forty-eight 6” x 6” x 6” high blocks for generator supports were provided. Main and spare

count-down outlets were furnished. Timing signals for minus 15 minutes and minus 1 minute

to use removable baffled-end panels. Each baffle
consisted of two removable panels back-to-back
with 8” steel horizontal channels alternating

in vertical positions. It was anticipated that
the baffles would eliminate any possibility of
reflected pressure within the housing andstill

allow the air to circulate. As an added pre-

caution against inundation, the generator sets

were mounted on the roofs of the concrete

and a blue box were required. A total of 4



Power to these stations was supplied by
two 20 KW, 120/208 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire, 60-

cubic yards of concrete was poured.

560.01, .03, .04 and .05

Aircraft Positioning,
Raydist Relay Stations
Able, How, Nan and
PARTICIPATION: 10, 11, 12, 13, 18 and 23
CONSTRUCTION: 1-11-56/5-5-56
Each station consisted of a reinforced concrete building and either a four or eight-antenna
tower array. The building for Station 560.01

was 18’ x 33’x 13’ high with 4-foot thick walls
and slabs. To allow for reflected pressures hitting the side of the building, the foundation

slab was extended 5’ out from either side to

prevent overturning. Station 560.01 served as

Station 150.01 for the Cherokee event. The

buildings for Station 560.03, .04 and .05 were
18’ x 33x 13’ high with 1 foot-thick walls and
slabs. Each structure had three blast resistant
doors designed to be watertight. One was a 2’10” x 6’ steel framed door and the other two
were 20’-square steel doors for ventilation. These
smaller doors were hinged at the top and trig-

gered to close by means of an assembly containing an explosive link. A 7’x9’-high earth

berm around each station prevented inundation
of the tower footings and buildings. In the case
of Station 560.01, the outer face of the entire

berm was covered with sandbags containing a
sand-cement mixture. After being set in place,

the bags were wetted down to form a mat. At
Station 560.05, the side of the berm facing the
shore was covered with riprap. It was thought
that riprap provided the more stable facing, but
since it was not readily available at the Station
560.01 site, sandbags were substituted. At Stations 560.03 and 560.04, the nature of the an-

ticipated wave was such that it did not warrant

reinforcing the face of the berms.

To protect the engine generators from pressures, the two units at each station were equip-

cycle diesel engine generators. To ensure uninter-

rupted power, the generators were run in parallel when the stations were abandoned. Each control panel had a reverse power relay which auto-

matically cut one generator out in the event
of operational difficulties.

Two 12-circuit breaker distribution panels

were installed in the stations, one for utilities

and the other for scientific loads. Each panel
was connected to one 20 KW generator so that

when the machines operated separately, each
unit furnished power to one panel. With this
setup, all surges caused by utilities were limited

to one generator, while the other unit supplied

power to the scientific load free of voltage disturbances. The generators were run separately

while the stations were set up andtested.

Eighteen 30-amp, 120-volt receptacles were

installed for scientific instruments. The connected loads for scientific and utility purposes,
respectively, were 18 KW and 5.6 KW.

Since power was required for scientific instruments through zero to at least plus 60 minutes, an automatic signal-actuated timer was
designed to shut down the generators at 90
minutes past zero. The timer was actuated by
a minus-one-minute timing signal.

A No. 8 AWGsolid copper ground bus was
installed above the work benches. The bus was
connected to two ground rods, two generator
neutrals, and the electrical conduit system.
Inasmuch as the stations were equipped

with blast doors, automatic shutdown was pro-

vided for the ventilation equipment. Conduit
and wiring were installed for two blast doors.
No signals were required except for utilities.

Four pair of signal lines were provided, three
for the three signals required and one spare. A
16-pair terminal cabinet for signal and telephone

ped with a steel-framed shelter utilizing rigid 5’

and one telephone were installed.

air. This presented the problem of keeping the
ends protected from pressures. It was decided

Ventilation was accomplished by installing
a 3,200 CFM blower. Aluminum ducts were installed around the work bench bases for exhausting battery fumes. Three 20” filters were

high frames. The sides and top were covered
with removable steel plate. The ends, however,
were left open to allow for exhaust and clean

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