CONSTRUCTION: 2-6-56/5-4-56
Station 261.01 was composed of two re-

inforced concrete launching pads, each 100’x
12’ x 1’ thick, with surfaces finished smooth

and located with the axis of each slab normal
to a line through Station 18. Three bench marks
were located in each slab. The orientation was
accurate to plus or minus 5 degrees and had to
be known to 30 minutes. No obstruction was

allowed 15 degrees above the horizontal from the

launcher site toward Stations 11, 18 and 22.

_ The launcher site was located within a User-

approved area which required a minimum of

ground clearing

resisting anticipated pressures. The blast door
was watertight for protection against inundation. A work bench wasinstalled along the walls.
The criteria for power at the relay station called
for 110 volt, single-phase, with a peak demand

of 30 amps. Power was required through zero

time to approximately H plus 30 minutes. Two
5 KW portable generators supplied the power
thru an automatic transfer switch.
Timing for Stations 11 and 12 was minus

one minute and minus one second; for Station
18, minus five minutes and minus 2.5 seconds,
plus a User-installed photocell-operated timing

A temporary facility for 15 rockets was

erected consisting of a squad-type tent with a
concrete floor; a portion of the tent was used for

office space. The tent was removed prior to and
reinstalled after the Cherokee, Navajo, and
Apache events. Four portable-type duplex receptacles of 120 volt and 20 amps pluslights
and two large CO2 fire extinguishers were installed.
Because of post-zero power requirements,

special consideration was given to the engine

generator sets. A 3’ x 6” high steel-frame shelter

was constructed for each of the two 5 KW gasoline engine-driven sets. The sides and top of
the shelter were covered with removable steel
plate but the ends were left open for ventilation.
To protect the open ends from expected pressures,






Each baffle consisted of two panels back-toback with 8-inch steel horizontal channels alternating in vertical positions. It was anticipated
that the baffles would eliminate reflected pressures within the housing and still permit ventilation. The generators were mounted on the
roof of the station as a protection against in-

undation. The connected load was 4.8 KW. A

six-circuit panel mounted in the station distributed the power within its interior and also to

the adjacent tent. A special engine shutdown
timer permitted the generators to run through
zero and be automatically stopped at zero plus
90 minutes. The timer was operated by the

minus one minute timing signal, which started
a time clock set to stop the generators at any

Figure 2-51.

Station 261.01

pre-set time. Running time of 24 hours after
zero was available on the clock.
A 16-pair terminal cabinet with 4-pair sig-

For protection against inundation, an em-

bankment was constructed immediately in front
of the concrete slabs with the toe of the slope
approximately 8.5 feet from the first slab and

with a height of 5’, which provided protection
on the front and sides of the launching area. A
reinforced concrete building for use as a timing

relay station was constructed which was 8’ x
10’ x 8’ high, with 12”-thick walls and slabs,

and equipped with a blast door 2’ - 10” x 6’ for
Page 2-68

nal and 2-pair telephone lines was installed in
the station.

A total of 63 cubic yards of concrete was
poured, with an average strength of 3,400 psi.
Bronze marker plates were set in the concrete
to give elevations and orientation.


Cloud Sampling with

Select target paragraph3