A communicationcircuit was requested for use between the AVRtS,
the Control Station and the AGC-70 This circuit was to employ Navy
TCS equipnent and would share one of the frequenciesof the Radiological Net since radiologicalsafetY Per$o~el intended to use the
AVRIS after each shot. It was planned to provide communicationsto
the final.personnel on the Zero Island by connecting telephones at
the Tower Top, Tower Base and T-

Station in parallel to an un-

attended AN/TRC 1 system working into the Eniwetok telephone switchboard. The communicationsequipment left on the island was to be
expended at the time of the shot.
The communicationsrequirements of the Radio Chemist~ Group
(LAJ-2) were worked out at several conferenceswith scientists of
Los Alamos and Military Applications Division, Atcmic Energy Commission,
The first of these was held on 14 November 1947


Briefly, this grouP

planned.to operate a radio-controlledtank on the Zero Island directed
from a helicopter. A spare tank was to be carried in a speciallyfitted LCM(6). In case the helicopter equipment failed a second
helicopter would be called into service. If the contf’olequipment
also failed in the second helicopter, the tank could be controlled
from the LCM where the operator would be voice directed from the helicopter. SCR-300 conmmnicationwas planned between the LCM and the
island party required to start the tank. VHF equipnentwas to be used
between the LCM, helicopters and the CVE-115. The LCMwas also equipped
with an SCR-608 in the Technicsl Net for general communications.
The communicationsrequired by the Neutron MeasurementGroup


Section XI



Select target paragraph3