of 80 megacycles for the same purposes. This was discouraged because
of possible ~tual interferencewith the AN/TRC-l radio telephone
equipment. It was decided in the end that a band of 156 to 180
megacycles would be satisfactorywith the understandingthat a
concentrationwould be effected in the high end of the band to avoid
possible interferencewith the 100 to 154 aircraft VHF band. No
considerationwas given to possible ~terference from the Mark III
IFF equipment operat~

throughout the range of 157 to W


on 16 December 1947 ~. Ha*mann requested two (2) SCR-300 nets
termed ‘Blast Nets” to aid in the tista~ation and test=

of his

blast measuring equipment. One net was to have eight (8) SCR-300ts
and the other, thirteen (~).
The request for a Voice Time Signal Broadcast was received
fromDr. Froman on 1 November 1947. The Pqose

of this broadcast

was to inform all land stations, ships and aircraft of the ~ct
time of the test. The original plan was to transmit the signals
from the AGC-7 after they had been relayed from the Control Station
on Parry Island over the radio telephone system. This was later
changed to a direct bnadcast frcm the Control Station for reliability
The J-3 (Operations)section of the staff decided on 15 Janua~
1%8 that AVR air-sea rescue boats would be employed to evacuate the
final personnel fran the Zero Island before each shot.



Section XI


Select target paragraph3