qulrod for a period of approfia~ly



. holding

travel time. It i6 antici~ted ttit it till be neoessary to work
about 70 hours per week (SO hours o~rt~



(e) The oontraotor s~ll ●UPPIY euitiblo portable high
voltage D.C. testing equipment for testing all splioes. A SOWOO
of 110-120 volt, 80 oyola alternatingourrent will be made available
by the govermmnt for operation of the testing equipaent and other
equipment required during ●plloing operO%lone.

In order to oarry out the provision of Paragraph 1 (o)

arrangements should be made by BuSMps for Immediate ●hi~nt


5000 feet (1 reel) of Type 116-P Submarine oable from Meohaniooburg,
Pa., to the Simplex Wire & Cable Co., Cambridge, M@~8@oh~ett6.


cable wi11 be urgently needed at that point not later than 1S Nov.
1947. It should be nmked for the attemtion of Mr. W. W. Ihvis, Chief
Eleotriaal Engi=er.




-- 0---




The Offioe of the Chief of Naval Operations ●pproved the reoosmendatione and mqueuta nmde in the ●bove letter and delegated aotion on
these matters to Op-41S. This offhe

issued two letter-, one on

4 November and one on 6 November 1947 to the vurious Bureaus of the
Department of the Ba~ assigning ●aoh of them reaponeibilities
(nooordingto oustoMry divisione of oognizanee) for t~


and shipping of all -teriala ●nd iseuanoe of the neoessary direotl-s
for the conversion of an ISM. Shortly thereafter the Offioe Lieutenant
Geneml Hull was informed that the U.S.S. LSM-260 had been designated
Sectian XI

Select target paragraph3