1. It ia proposed to plaae a oontraot with the Simplex~re
-d Cable Co., 79 Sidney St., Cambridge,-ssaoh~etts~

for sPli”~g

the oable. The oontraot should provide for the follofig:
(a) The oontfiotorshall furnish alleqtipment, tools and
auppliea for ming

the following “oold” type 6pli006 in subma~ne

2S4 straight splioes in U.S.C.G. Type 104 Cable
156 straight splioes in U.S.C.G. Type 115-? Cable
16 straight splioea in U.S.C.G. Type 113 Cablo
16 straight aplioee between Typa
(b) The splioing will be aooompliohedM
on the oable-layingwssel.

113 and 104 Cable
the oable is loaded

All labor for loading the oable and plaoing

the ends in position for aplioing wI1l be furnished by the government.
Ten eleotrioian~snmtes will be furnished by the Government to aesist
in splioing operationeo
[o) The oontraotor shall provide advanoe training in uplioing
methode at the faotory for four Chief EleotrioiantsMatee, who will
report ●t the fhotory on or ●bout 16 November 1947 for an instruction
period not to exoeed ton (10) days. The gmermaent will •~p o6000-ft reel of Type 115-P Cablo to the fkotoryto ●rrive on or ●bout
1S November 1947 to be ueed for omrying out splioing lnstruetione.
Unused oable 18 to b. returned subsequentlyto ite original souroe.
(d) l%. oontraotor shall furmieh one supetialng oablo ●plleer
●t tho site of oable

●pliotng operatlo~ to ouperviDo and ●asist in

●otual splioing operationeO It is ●stlmated that thio -n

wI1l be ro-

Seotion XI



Select target paragraph3