

zo~ x 20Q

(g) For food and water for working parties at odd hours
or 100ati0n03
K rationa

-20 oases

c rationa

-10 oaaeu

Thermos jugs with spigot (1 gal.) - 6
(h) About 25 UU. yd. ofeonorete, 400 linear feet of reinforoing iron, and 200 linear feet of

1“ diameter round steel bar, may

be required for making mooring blooka.
(i) A traotor, or a truak equipped with wlnoh till be r equlrod
for landing uhore ends ofoable, and trenohing equipnent for burying
the oable. It may be neeeaaary to dynamite a trenoh at the landing
point or blaat off’sharp ledges oloae to shoreand the required equlp-nt

should be profided.
4. The followlngitems of ●ubmrine oable, eqaipwnt and ●uppliea

should be shippedto the shore
609,000 ft.
Q4,000 ft.
605*000 ft.


(20S reels) Type 104 Submarine oable
(8 reels) Type 113 %marine


(121 reels) Type llS-PSulmmrine oable

s ea. Cable shafta and ooUara for Type 104 oable
s ea. Cable shafta and oollara for Type 116-P amble
2 ea. D-93 vuloani,zem, equipped with 2 C-ill spltoing
storage, 6 volt-100 Ampere-hour,
s ea. Batterlea,
heavy duty
Seotion ~

Select target paragraph3