
to funotion as a junotion point for the oableoo It had been

stated that the cable-layingprogram should reaah ocmpletion by the
15th of’Maroh 1948.
EMigD Felix J. Jabloneki, USN, rep=ted for duty and WM


as cable OffiWr for the ConmunioationeOffioer on 8 Ootober 1947. ~
functioned in a liaison oapaoity with Lieutenant Coxmmnder Romd


agenoiea of the Department of the Navy and Depar4mnt Of th by
until on 13 Ootober 1947, when Lieutenant Conmmnder Rowand reported
for duty tith the staff of the CosmmnieationOffioer of JTF-7 and
a@aumed ove+all ohar~ of the submarine oable projeot at nhioh time
&Mign Jabloneki assumed duty as Ma

aesistant. Shortly thereafter,

CEM(T) Mgouan reported for duty and joined this 6eotion of the
Comnmioatione Staff. Beoauae of eeourity restriotione,only vague
information bad been supplied to Lieutenant C~der

Rowand prerioua

to his reporti~ but he was then given all the infommtion ●railable on the aubjeot. On the basis of this information Lieutemnt Comdor
Ronnd began making a study of the requirements for inetalllng the
eablet in the amount,typeand mnnerwhieh
Atomio Energy %nmiueion.

Several ship types, their suitability for

oable laying and availabili~, oof ti-,

had been suggestedby the

under ooneideration. Eetimatee

personnel, supplies, equipment and oable quantity were made~

Various possible methods of operation were ooneidered. For
of two weeks

these preliminary est~tea



were in oonstant prooem of

revision and amplifloation. The prlneipal or noteworthy deliberation

Seotlon XI


Select target paragraph3