or problems of the tws

of oable which had been seleeted. The Coast

GUrdts cable ships were more t~
work, but Lieutemt

fullY ~oupied tith their present

Ccmmmder Ro~d

informationregarding cable *YW$ -d


able to IJUPPIYmuch mluablo

Oharaoteristio$. ~ring the =r

Lieuten~t CommanderRowand had been in oharge of the program under
whioh the lo.oonduotoroables had been manufactured.
An offioer familiarwith submarine cable work, its laying, splioing
and other problemswas definitely required if tl’aConznunioatlone
Eleatronios Seotionwao to fulfill its responsibilityfor the organizing and pla~i~

of a sub~rlne oable projeot. No offioer posseeaing

these qualificationsoould be foumd amongst available AnBy or Nawy
offioero. On 8 Ootober 1947 Rear Admiral A. J. ~lllngs, USN, (JTF-7
Loglatios Offioer) sent


memorandum to the Cmmmmdant, U. S. Coast

(3Uard,●t the request of the CamauuioatlonOffioer. This memorandw
requaated the ●ervlces of Lieutenant Co~der


and a splioing

teohnioiaa, Chief Eleotrioiaa$aHate (T) William B. Magm,

USCG, for

a limited period. At two perlode later in the operation it was
necessary to request extensions of these assignments ●nd Lieutenant
Ccm+nder Rowand and CEM (T) Magowaa therefore semd


with the task foroe from the date of their reporting until the completion of the tests oonduoted during Operation &ndstone.
Atomlo Energy %asnission plane ●t this time proposed that a barge
be moored in a oentrally looated position in the lagoon and that oables
extend fr- this barge to lhrry Island (ControlStatIon) and from this
barge to the other islands whioh would be wed.

Seotion xx

In thie way the barge

Select target paragraph3