Page 48

In the first full paragraph, the second sentence is inaccurate.
It is not the
Jones Act but instead the Nicholson Act that concerns the off-loading of tuna
from foreign vessels.
The Nicholson Act, however, does not apply to Guan,

pursuant to a 1950 ruling of the Treasury Department.

We suggest that the


sentence be deleted.

In the sentence next following, instead of referring to “Guam officials", you
may wish to qualify the reference, perhaps by substituting “Some Guam
officials". Many in Guam have in recent years changed their views as to the
benefits and burdens of the Jones Act.
Page 49

Under the 1984 Omnibus Territories Bill, visa requirements for foreign travel
to Guam are waived.
Page 53

At the end of the first full paragraph, it would be helpful if you were to

“Interior plans, however, to prepare at the conclusion of the present
study an Addendum that will detail the application of all Federal laws to
Puerto Rico.” Because Interior has had requests for this work, particularly
from Congressional committee staff personnel, it would be desirable to include
this sentence, so that the requests that we have had and that we expect to

honor will not appear to have been overlooked.
Page 59

Under the 1984 Omnibus Territories Bill, waiver of matching grants up to

$200,000.00 was extended to the Virgin Islands and Guam.

Chapter 6
Page 64

Please note that gubernatorial appointments in Guam and the Virgin Islands

were made by the President.
Secretary of the Interior.

Governors in American Samoa were appointed by the

In the last sentence of the second full paragraph, we suggest that you delete

“most of".

In 1951 Interior was given responsibility for all of the Trust
It was in 1952 that that authority was diminished, but it was

entirely restored in 1962.

In the circumstances and the context, the


recommended deletion will serve the interests of accuracy, and it will not be





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