Page 33

If, under terms of the Compacts, the Micronesians will accrue greater
benefits, it appears unlikely then that there will be a massive influx of
immigrants to Guam and the other territories.
Chapter 5
Page 37

The use of the word "rebates", on the sixth line, may be confusing, in light

of the Northern Marianas' laws (which were effectively repealed by the U.S.
Congress) providing that once the Federal income tax law is in effect there,

almost all local taxpayers would receive a 100 percent “rebate” of all of the -

taxes they had paid. To avoid this problem, you may wish to delete “rebates”
and insert “payments to the territorial treasuries."
Page 38

In Table 2,
-- Two references for footnote "a" appear.
“American Samoa" should be deleted.

Probably that following

-- In the “Total" column, the figure shown for Puerto Rico in 1981 appears
_to be in error.
-- In the footnote, the problem discussed above concerning the use of the

word "rebated" occurs again. Perhaps there might be substituted for it
the words “retained by the territories or covered into territorial

Page 39 and 40

While there may appear to be no overall federal strategy for encouraging
economic development in a comprehensive and consistent fashion, it must be
noted that all territories have popularly elected representatives, both in the

territories and in the nation's capital, and the federal government ought not
to dictate such strategy in consonance with the concept of selfdetermination.
It should be pointed out also that the needs and problems of

individual territories are not necessarily the same.

This administration

continues to encourage elected territorial leaders to develop their individual
priorities and to work with the Department of Interior, through OTIA, in

achieving them.

It is presumed that territorial delegates to Congress are in

the best posture to identify laws inimical to territorial interests, and to:
seek congressional exemption to their application.
Page 47

In the second paragraph, the "1950" appearing in the first sentence should be
changed to "1950 and 1954", and at the end of the sentence there should be
added, “respectively.”




Select target paragraph3