power for a 12 month period without needing repairs.

In addition, wind-

powered electrical generators were virtually noiseless compared to gasoline
powered electrical generators.

Thev offered the possibility of collecting a

larze volume air sample without disruption >f quiescent village living patterns on outer atolls.

A plutonium excretion study was also undertaken by

collecting pooled large-volume urine samples from three to five families at
each atoll except Kwajalein.
Early in 1977, the question of the past dose equivalent to the MarshalLese who have lived on Rongelap and Utirik, had become an important scientific

and health related question with considerable political overtones.


Borg, Conard, Cronkite, Greenhouse, Naidu and “Meinhold, all members of 8NL,
and Sondhaus of the University of California,

College of ‘fedicine (UCC™M)

initiated technical evaluation of the issue.

FY 1978
MIRSP funding levels were $207,000 for operating and $10,000 for capital

Staffing levels were 2.0 man years scientific and professional and

2.35 man years technical support.

principle staff,

Greenhouse and Miltenberger made up the pro-

Cua and Knight joined the program staff part time.

“fajor equipment purchases consisted of peripheral alpha spectroscopy equipment
for plutonium anatyses of environmental and biological samples.

As a result

of earlier discussions by Bond, Meinhold, Naidu and others of BNL, a proposal

for Rongelap and Utirik Dose Reassessment (RUDR) had been forwarded to the Department of Energy's Division of Biological and Environmental Research
(DOCDBER formerly ERDADBER) and the program was funded with an operational
budget of 35%,000.

Staffing levels were 0.5 man vears scientific and profes-

sional, Naidu and Greenhouse were the RUDR program's primary staff.

Select target paragraph3