of UCCM.

The meeting centered on dose reassessment and was conducted in two

parts aimed at reviewing past accomplishments and assigning future tasks.


review of the circumstances that led to the studv was presented by Naidu who

also discussed the status of the Sr and Pu in teeth samples.

Lessard pre-

sented a draft of the chronic phase dose-equivalent estimates for Rongelap and
Ucirik residents and reviewed the acute phase dosimetric methods and dose-

equivalent estimates based on the I-129 soil analysis.

The second stage of

the eeting Led to detailed discussions on the chronic and acute dosimetry.

The outcome was to define specific tasks in order to further substantiate the
dose estimates to the thyroid.

During September, as part of the ongoing quality assurance program for
MIRS?, an interlaboratory analysis

for Sr-90 in urine samples

from the “Mar-

shall Islands was initiated.

Dosimetric Results for the Bikini Population, N.A. Greenhouse, R.P.

Miltenberger and E.T. Lessard, Health Physics, Vol 38, pp. 846-851, May 1980.
Marshall Islands:

A Study of Dier and Living Patterns, J. Naidu, N.A.

Greenhouse, J. Knight, BNL#51313, July 1980.
Dietary Radioactivity Intake from Bioassay Data:
Cs~137 Intake By Bikini Island Residents,

EAT. Lessard,

A Model Applied to
R.P. Miltenberger,

and N.A. Greenhouse, Health Physics Vol. 39, pp.177-183, August 1980.
Whole Body Counting Results from 1974 to 1979 for Bikini Island Residents, R.P. Miltenberger, N.A. Greenhouse and —£.T. Lessard, Health Physics,

Vol. 39, pp. 395-407, August 1980.


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