Tweive two week Marshallese comparison urine samples were collected


October 1973 by Shoniber, Department of Health Services, Trusc Territory of
the Pacific Islands and forwarded to BNL for analyses.
have been analyzed for Sr-90,

out and for natural K-40.
line excretion rates

Each sample was to

Cs~137, Pu-239 and Pu-240 from world-wide fall-

The results were to be used to establish the base-

for these radionuclides so that a reference against which

urine samples from the atolls contaminated with troposheric fallout could be

During November 1978, Marshall Island's whole-body counting, environmental, demographic,

physiologic and bioassay data bases were initiated Dy

Preliminary diet and living vattern reports were submitted to

Robison (LLL) by Naidu.

Under the RUDR program, 62 teeth samples from Bikint,

Rongelap and Utirik were collected by 3NL Medical for future analyses of
Sr-99, Pu-239 and Pu-240.

Naidu invited The Institute of Physical and Chemi-

cal Research of Japan to contribute some Bikini ash to RUDR research.

During January and February 1979, Lessard constructed appropriate dosimetric models and determined retrospective and prospective dose equivalents to
various body organs for all former Bikini residents.

This work also compared

urine bioassay derived body burdens to whole-body counting measured body bur-

dens for Cs~137.
In January, a whole body counting field trip to Majuro to examine the
former Bikini Island residents was undertaken by Miltenberger, Greenhouse and


They whole-body counted 101 persons and collected 49 urine sam-

ples, 64 whole-body counts were from the relocated former Bikini residents.
Miltenberger and Greenhouse continued to cross the Trust Territory to finish


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