Projects 6.2a and 6.2b were successful in obtaining significant

data concerning blast, thermal and gust effects on B-3%6 and B-47 aircraft in flight. Minor blast damage was sustained by the B-36 on

several shots; however, predictions on temperature rise as a function

of incident thermal energy for both the B-% and B-47 were shown to
be conservative.
Some concern arose over the response of the B-36
horizontal stabilizer to gust-loading at a critical station.

al studies will be required, including instrument calibration, before
any revisions of current concepts of delivery capabilities can be

Project 6.4 was successful in evaluating the effectiveness of

washdown systems for naval vessels.

Also much valuable experience

wag gained in ship decontamination procedures and techniques.


naval vessel, when adequately equipped with Washdown apparatus, can
operate safely in regions of heavy fall-out ang still maintain opera-

tional capability without excessive exposure of the ship's company to
residual radiation from fall-out.

Project 6.5, operating in conjunction with Project 6.4, evaluated

current decontamination procedures on representative walls, roofing,

and paving surfaces which were subjected to the wet contaminant of
barge and land shots.
The contaminant, particularly from the barge

shots, was found to be much more tenacious than that experienced in

Similar tests at the Buster-Jangle underground shot, and the accepted
decontamination procedures less effective.
Project 6.6, recordings of effects on fonospheric layers, parti-

cularly the F,

layer, were successful in most instances.

Because of

rediation levéls, the Rongerik station could not be operated continuously for complete fonosphere history, but the station was activated
for all shots.
The significance of recorded results will require detailed study prior to the writing of a final report.

2.3.6 Program 7, Long Range Detection
The general objectives of Program 7 experiments in this test
8eries were the improvement of present techniques, development of new

techniques, and collection of calibration data in furtherance of the
AFOAT-1 mission, Participation in the test was really two-fold, con-

sisting of some experiments specifically designed for Operation Castle
and some operational tests of routine procedures,


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addition, one vessel (YAG 39) assisted in the collecting of fall-out
data for Project 2.5a. Project 6.4 has demonstrated that a typical

Select target paragraph3