considered either to be essentially instantaneous, or received at a
constant dose rate over a period of minutes.
From previous animal

4 hL werden away

experimentation it might be expected that the dose received by ex-

posed individuals in the present study, extending over two or three
days, would produce less of an effect than would the same total dose
given over a few minutes.
It is not possible without further expertmentation to attempt quantification of the degree to which observed



effects in the population studies may have been altered by this particular combination of dose rate and time during which the total dose
was delivered.

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Hematological findings were somewhat similar to those seen following single doses of penetrating radiation in animals. However,
the time course of changes in both the leukocyte and platelet counts
in the Rongelap group was markedly different from that seen in animals.


Maximum depression of these elements occurred much later in these in-


dividuals than is seen in animals, and the trend toward normal was
considerably delayed. The marked delay in return to normal leémkocyte




values in the present study appears to exceed that observed in’ the

Hiroshima and Nagasaki casualties. Further evidence that the return
to normal may be later in human beings than in animals can be seen in

the response of the few cases of the Argonne and Los Alamos accidents.

Although the doses, types, and conditions of irradiations were sufficiently different in the several series of exposed human beings to

preclude strict comparisons among them, the added evidence from the

present studies would seem to validate the general conclusions that

the time pattern or hematological changes following irradiation in
man is significantly different from that observed in the large species
of animals studied to date.
2.3.5 Program 6, Service Equipment and Techniques
Program 6 included six projects concerned with the developing,
testing, and analysing of various aspects of weapons effects on service equipment and operational techniques.
Project 6.1 was successful

in obtaining excellent radarscope

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photos of the detonation and blast phenomena for utilization in establishing Indirect Bomb Damage Assessment (IBDA) procedures for high

yield weapons.

The high-yield weapons detonated in regions such as Bikini, where
sharp land and water contrasts are obtainable, gave excellent results

for radar return studies and air crew training for the 20 Strategic

Air Command (SAC) air crews who participated.


LANL, J-Div,



Select target paragraph3