we < (HURON)
Project 11.2 - Sampling ~ H. F, Plank

Sampling for os
shot was essentially routine and proceeded as outl
in Program 11's Standard Cloud Sampling Mission Plans for REDWING, H. F. Pla
16 April 1956, 11740FE, page 29.

Two F-84G aircraft were used in loose trai

formation in place of the single B-57B sampler at the lowest altitude previo
specified so that a special glass fiber filter paper could be tested.


of its lower resistance to air flow with the fiber glass material, the alpha

cellulose filter paper in the other filter unit collected 3.8 times more,



A special effort was made to reduce cross-contamination from the preced

shotein the allowed 24 hour period so that the radiochemical analysga@pents
oi would not be compromised.

The preceding shot was a —

A compromise procedure for decontaminating the B-57B filter units consi

of removing the valve sections, scrub-washing their exposed surfaces and tho
the diffuser section while disassembled.

The unit was washed and rinsed twi

more after the valve section was re-assembled.

Any cross-contanination whic

be seen in the samples must come from the fallout which occurred during clea

Although numerous cumlo-nimbus clouds and considerable cirrus were pre
during and after shot time, the cloud was sufficiently visible for the recon
sance aircraft to determine that the altitude of the active stem was appraci

17,000 feet and for the highest aircraft to determine that the top of the ma
cloud was approximately 52,000 feet indicated pressure altitude,



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Select target paragraph3