Lt Rebert C. Teumann

The otjective cf this project is to measure the blast, gust and
thermal effects of a nuclear detonation of en in-flight P-47E aircraft.

With the recorted data, the criteria and method used in the P-47=E weapon
Delivery Uandbook may be verrified or corrected.

In addition, the pro-

dest will provide basic research data for the design criteria of future

NSAP aireraft,



Two hunired seventy three date channels were avatleble on this shot

Lo ricerd bending shear and torsicn in the wing and horizontsl stabilizer
Shirmtal inpets to the atreraft, thermally induced strein, temperature
Mevgiremonts, and cverpresseure,

Trtcor to shot participation, 97.1 percent

Te were operating eatisfcctorily.

There hes been no newly

Tne P-47P was flying at an atsclute altitude of 22,000 feet, a specd

of Mach O,€7 and on a heading of 360° at both Ty and Tg»

The eircraft

was offect 49,070 feet to the right from a rath directly over the target.
At Ty the shot wes ahead and to the left of the aircraft such that the
horizontal range was

25,000 feet short of a point directly abeam cf ground

At shock arrival, the eircraft was directly abeam of ground zero and

exactly tangential to the impinging shock wave.

The temperature rise was insignificant due to the limiting side loads


— Lu-

Select target paragraph3