Wednesday, May 18, 1960
plies when the individual whole body

Goses are known. As an opcrational
technique, where the individual whole
body doscs arc not known, a suitable
sample of the exposed population should
be developed whose protection guide for
annual whole body dose will be 0.17 rem
per capita per year. It is emphasized
that this is an oprrational technique
which should be modified to mect speelul situations.
(2) Considerations of population fe. Metics impose a& pcr capita dose limitation
for the gonads of 5 rems in 30 years.
The operational mechanism described
above for the annual individual whole
body dose of 0.5 rem is likely in the immediate future to assure that the goMadal exposure Guide (5 rem in 30
years) is not exceeded.
(3) These Guides do not differ substantially from certain other recoramendations such as these made by the
National Committce on Radiation Protection and Measurements, the National
Academy of Sciences, and the International Commission on Radiological
(4) The term “maximum permissible
dose” is used by the National Committee
on Radiation Protection (NCRP) and
the International Commission on RaGiological Protection (ICRP). However,
this term is often misunderstood. The
words “maximum” and “permissible”
both have unfortunate connocations not
intended by either the NCRP or the
«S) There can be no single permissibie
or acceptable level of exposure without
regard to the reason for permitting the
exposure. It should be general practice
to reduce exposure to radiation, and positive effort should be carried oui to filfill the sense of these recommendations.
It is basic that exposure io radiation
should result from a real determination
of its necessity.
(6) There can be different Radiation
Protection Guides with different numerfcal values, depending upon the circumstances. The Guides herein recommended are appropriate for normal
peacetime operations.
(7) These Guides are not intended to
apply to radiation exposure resulting
from natural backeround or the pure
poseful exposure of patients by practitioners of the healing arts.
(8) It ts recognized that our present
- gefentific knowledse docs not provide a
firm foundation within a factor of two
or three for selection of any parcicular
numerical value in preference to another
walue, It should be recoznized that the
+ Radiation Protection Guides recommended in this paper are well below the
“| Jevel where biolonical damage has been
% Observed in humans.
It fs recommended that:
4 Current protection guides used by
the agencies be continued on an interim
basis Jor organ doses to the population.
Recommendations are not made cone

eerning the Radiation Protection Guides

for individual ornnan doses to the population, other than the ranads. Unfore
tunately, the complexities of establishing
fuldes applicable to radiation expasure
eof all body ornans preclude the Council
from making recommendations conccrii-

ing them at this time. However, current
Protection ruides used by the agencies
appear appropriate on an interim basis.
It is reconuvaended that:
§. The term “Radioactivity Concentration Guide” be adopicd for Fudecral
use. This term is dcfincd as the concentration of radioactivity in the environement which is determined to result in
whole body or orran doscs cqual to the
Radiation Protection Guide.
Within this definition, Radioactivity
Concentration Guitles can be determined
after the Iadation Protection Guides
are decided upon. Any given Radioactivity Concentration Guide is applicable
only for the circumstances under which
the use of its corresponding Radiation
Protection Guide is appropriate.
It is recommended that:
6. The Federa) agencics, as an interim
measure, use radioactivity concentration
guides which are consistent with the rece

ommended Radiation Protection Guides.
Where no Radiation Protection Guides
are proviced, Federal agencies continue
present practices.

No specific numerical recommendations for Radioactivity Concentration.
Guides are provided at this time. Howe
ever, concentration guides now used by
the agencies appear appropriate on an
ipterim basis.

Where appropriate radio~

activity concentration guides are not
available, and where Radiation Protection Guides for specific organs are pro~
vided herein, the latter Guides can be
used by the Federa) agencies as a start~
ing point for the derivation of radioactivity concentration guides applicable
to their particular problems. The Federal Radiation Council has also initiated
action directed towards the development
of additional Guides for radiation
i' ¢s recommended that:
7. The Federal agencies apply these
Radiation Protection Guides with judgement and discretion, to assure that rea-

sonable probability is achieved in the

attainment of the desired goaj of protecting man from the undesirable effects of
radiation. The Guides may be exceeded
only after the Federal agency having
jurisdiction over the matter has carefully
considered the reason for doing so in
light of the recommendations in this
The Radiation Protection Guides provide a gencral framework for the radiation protection requirements.
It is
expected that each Fedcral azency, by

virtue of its immediate knowledze of its

operating problems, will use these Guides
as a basis upon which to develop detailed
standardstailored to mect ifs particular
requirements. The Council will follow
the activities of the Federal asencics in

this aren and will promote the necessary
coordination to achieve an eficctive
Federal program,
7f the foregoing recommendations are
approved by you for the ruidance of
Federal agencics in the conduct of their
radiation protection activitios, it is fur-

ther recommended that this memorandum be published in the FeperaL
Armour S. Freamine,

Fedcral Radiation Council,

The recommendations numbered “!
throurh “7” contained in the abl:
memorandum are approved for 1.
Guidance of Federal agencies, anc 1
memorandum shall be published in 1.
Dwicur D. ExsexnHowrn
May 13, 1960.

(PR, Doc, @0-4539; Filed, May 17, 19°
8:61 am.)

Select target paragraph3